This is the back-to-school season and the SpaceSuite / SPIS-Services team would like to propose a winter session for the “SPIS Hands-On and application to GEO/LEO”. This SPIS GEO/LEO course will be held on the 3rd and 4th of December 2018 at ONERA Toulouse (France).
The aim of this course is to introduce new users to the SPIS software and master the specifics required for modelling spacecraft charging in GEO and LEO environment. It offers a deeper focus on setting numerical global parameters for a finer control and optimisation of the simulation, especially in GEO and LEO environments. Basic knowledge on plasma physics, space environment and scientific computing are prerequisites for this training.
In the frame of this session, a special attention will be put on the modelling of cubesats and small structures in LEO. Specific practical works will be proposed.

This session will take place at ONERA Toulouse
2 avenue Edouard Belin,
31000 Toulouse
Also note that for this training course, an early bird discount will be offered. Any registration ordered before the 28th of October 2018 will benefit from a 10% discount. Registration will be closed on the 25th of November 2018.
Please note that in order to provide a quality training with more instructor-student interaction, the total number of attendees per session is limited. Fee reductions are offered for group registration of several students to the same session, provided that they are submitted on the same order. The fee includes lunches, coffee breaks and access to computers for the training. Travelling and accommodation are at the student’s expense.
Feel free to contact us to obtain our Detailed Offer and Pricing (DOP) document.
Important dates:
Early bird registration deadline | October 28, 2018 |
Registration deadline | November 25, 2018 |
Training dates | December 03-04, 2018 |